Ong. Rhetoric, Romance and Technology.
Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1971, pp. 17-18.
classical or Learned Latin as opposed to the vernaculars]
An institution as widespread as Learned Latin was more than merely a linguistic
phenomenon. Learned Latin, the old classical Latin which remained'in the
schools after ancient Latin had fragmented in the home and nonacademic world
into hundreds of vernaculars, was soon structured into a whole scries of social
institutions, ... Learned atin was permanently aligned with the primary oral or
rhetorical tradition and helped keep this tradition alive long past the
development not only of writing but even of print. A language spoken by
millions but only by those who could
write it, Learned Latin paradoxically also built up an extreme deference
for the written word which verged on superstition and was to affect the aims of
lexicography down to our present day. Used only by males and under the sway of
the old oral dialectical-rhetorical tradition, Learned Latin was a ceremonial
polemic instrument which from classical antiquity until the beginnings of romanticism
helped keep the entire academic curricutum programmed as a form of ritual male
combat centered on disputation.
effects of Latin suggest still further connections with cultural institutions.
The use of Learned Latin and the self-image and style of life it automatically
fostered tended to strengthen the wide-spread opinion that war was not only
inevitable in human society but in many ways was even good. (It kept society
from softness and effeteness—vices which can lead only to war!) If boys went to
school to war ceremonially with each other (and with the teacher), combat was a
necessary and admirable condition of existence. It is evident that this view of
life helped keep the ideal of the hero, especially the marcial hero, alive in
men's impossible dreams long after the social conditions of oral and residually
oral culture which originally generated the fictional hero had
the intimate connection it sustains with the heroic age, Learned Latin—and the
cult of dialectic and rhetoric which for historical reasons the use of Latin
supported—is built into the social and psychological structures earlier
mentioned here as studied by Neumann, Carl Jung, and others. That is to say,
the use of Learned Latin for scientific and scholarly thinking over nearly a
millennium and a half had a great dca! to do with the development of the
collective and individual psyche in the Western European world. Indeed, since
there are more or less contemporaneous parallels in other cultures which have
used learned languages discrete from the vernacular, perhaps such languages
belong to a certain stage in cultural and psychological development."